Dealing with the Death of a Hoarder | Guest Post

dealing with the death of a hoarder

Many of us are familiar with hoarding. Whether we know someone in our own family or it is something we have viewed on TV, hoarding affects as many as 19 million Americans. It is more common in older Americans and in males vs females. Losing someone with the disorder adds extra load to tackle, both physically…


New Year’s Resolution: Update your Estate Plan

Happy New Year! We are just a week in and many of us have started our New Year’s Resolutions. Number One on the list seems to be to get healthier and number two seems to be more organized. May I add a third?  If you’ve invested in an estate plan for your family, this is…


How Detailed Should Your Family be with Estate Planning Communication?

communicate your estate plan with family

Q: Should you reveal your exact plans for your estate and your holdings? A lot has been made lately in news articles and studies that suggest better communication between family members is very important when it comes to end-of-life arrangements and estate plans. But there is a disagreement about how detailed the communication should be between family…